Welcome to the News page.
Here, you'll be able to find the latest updates and happenings from our company. We'll keep you informed about exciting new product launches, community events, and everything in between. Remember to check back frequently for the most up-to-date news, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback.
Rugby Inflatables is excited to announce that outdoor bookings for the season are now open! If you're planning a birthday party, family or a is a..
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Out Door Hire's Are Coming. We’re thrilled to announce that Rugby Inflatables will be accepting outdoor bookings starting April 1st! If you're a..
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WE HAVE HAD A DELIVERY!Hey everyone, We have some exciting news to share! Today, we received our brand-new uniforms and business cards, and we be..
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rugby Inflatables Team sat a 'PIPA Operators Training Course.'I wanted to take a moment to share some great news about our recent experience! This..
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Hey everyone, We have some exciting news to share! Our brand-new bouncy castles will be delivered soon, and we can’t wait for you to experience..
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